Monday, December 21, 2009

Hot and Cold

That pretty much sums it up for the St. Louis Blues, thus far.  Some nights they got it and some nights they don't. However, they had it last night against Vancouver, shutting them down for the second time this season.  But, do I dare say that Larry Pleau played a role?

For those of you who did not hear, Larry Pleau (Senior VP and GM of the Blues), was waiting in the locker room after the third period of last Friday's game against Tampa Bay.  The upper management finally had to step into the picture.  The players said that it was a wake-up call/tongue lashing.  It's about time! But, it was good timing...Larry's words would stay nice and fresh in the minds of the players on their trip to Vancouver.  And what do ya know, the Blues won! I speak for myself and probably many other fans when I say that this hopefully will be the kick in the butt they needed!  Everyone needs to be reminded once in awhile of consequences...even professional athletes.

The Blues have the lowest goal scoring percentage in the league right now.  Obviously our "goal scorers" have not been "goal scoring."  But, with Backes finding the back of the net five times out of the last five games, and with Brad Winchester finally chalking one up the other night, we might be slowly meeting our potential.  Maybe?

The blame is on the players.  They are the ones on the ice, making the plays, etc.  It's up to our talent to rise to the task of succeeding in this very competitive league.  We are most certainly not out of the race, yet.  Let's not linger around .500 any longer. GET THE JOB DONE!